There are two crucial repos you should be aware of:
You can find low-level documentation here:
The Aleph Indexer Framework is a high-level abstraction for building multithreaded indexers on Aleph. It is designed to be used by developers who want to build an indexer for a specific Solana program, but don't want to worry about:
The framework provides three services:
Each instance tracks accounts of your program and its raw transactions, these accounts are allocated among instances in a balanced manner. During the execution of the service, the whole process (signatures, pending transactions, raw transactions and accounts information) is stored to create a backup, so that in case it crashes during the process, it can start where it ended before. When the signature history of the accounts has been fetched, the service will accept new transaction requests. ie: First fetches pending transactions of the account signatures, then loads new existing requests to the service. Once a transaction is fetched, it is sent directly to the parser through the communication established between services to perform its function.
It receives the raw transactions directly from the fetcher. It is in charge of processing the transactions, splitting them into the instructions that are part of them. Thus, it obtains the raw instructions and the accounts that participate in each of the instructions.
Each instance is an intermediary storage and logging, for backuping the fetcher process, so in case it crashes while processing transactions, it can start where it finished before. Each thread of each indexer instance have a communication channel with the fetchers and parsers instances. All communication between services is done through an event queue for synchronisation between them. In addition, it knows the fetching state of the transaction history of each account, allowing to know the progress of the process of each one of them.
In order to use these services you need to code some custom implementations: TODO
Create a .env file on the root folder for including configuration variables of the framework. Take a look at "Environment Variables" section in this document
Depending on the blockchains that you need to index, you may need to install additional peer dependencies packages:
# In case you want to index ethereum
npm i @aleph-indexer/ethereum
# In case you want to index solana
npm i @aleph-indexer/solana
npm run start framework
npm run start your-indexer-name
Here are some of the more important environment variables that you can set to configure the framework:
# Framework specific config
# A namespace for the framework services names (default "global")
# List of blockchains that the framework will support (default "solana,ethereum")
# Path to a folder where all the indexed data will be stored
# Ethereum specific envs
# To specify a custom ethereum RPC node (*mandatory*)
# Custom etherscan api key for avoiding rate limits
# This is used as fallback for getting contract ABIs (optional)
# Feature flag for storing blocks in cache (default "false")
# Solana specific envs
# For specifying a custom solana RPC node/cluster without rate limits (*mandatory*)
# For specifying a public solana RPC node/cluster rate limited (optional)
# For specifying a main public solana RPC node/cluster rate limited
# that guarantees historical data access (default "")
# Other configuration vars
# How much memory to allocate for the indexer
The full list of environment variables can be found in the .env.defaults.
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